
Camera or tech

This should have been written over the last two weeks, but then a resolution wouldn’t have been forthcoming….Then again maybe a cliff hanger would have been exciting….hmm…

Anyway, last year I bought a Panasonic G3 to take travelling, basically the idea was that I wanted something small and compact but with near DSLR abilities to replace my Pentax K10d. I chose the G3 because the reasons I wanted, and the price was right <about £350 if i remember>. The camera works great, takes great photos, but was lagging behind in the stakes against my DSLR, and this was a 6 yr old DSLR.

So, I decided to go back to a DSLR and the last 2 weeks has been a battle of my ideas of not needing the latest and greatest camera, against my tech nerd side of wanting the latest and greatest camera! Every day has been a battle checking specs, reading reviews, and the constant fight between both sides of my character.

So, Yesterday I decided to just go for it, and I bought one….Which side one? Well, kinda both in a way, it’s not a new camera, but when was released it was highly praised, and even now is regarded highly. It’s a Nikon D90, got it quite cheap on ebay <£285> with a battery grip and some bits, also bought a 35mm lens, so should be able to get back into the world of DSLR’s quite cheaply….

I’m going to keep the G3 I think, and maybe get the highly rated 20mm lens for it, maybe my desire for the old DSLR tarnished my experiences with this CSC, and using it as a second camera will help me, whatever happens I’m looking forward to the Nikon arriving very soon 🙂

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