Updated for July 2018! So, this blog hasn’t been updated in years, a lot has happened since, if you’ve kept up the last thing I spoke about was my photo
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Photo Books
One of the things I always wanted to really do properly, and by do I mean as a Job, not just a hobby was photography. With so many things always
Camera or tech
This should have been written over the last two weeks, but then a resolution wouldn’t have been forthcoming….Then again maybe a cliff hanger would have been exciting….hmm… Anyway, last year
Back in the UK
Being back in the UK is still strange, I was only away for 8 months in the end, and didn’t realise that I would get so disconnected from the lifestyle
Sleeper buses
In Luang Prabang, Laos, Gerhard and I decided that we should miss out Vang Vieng, owing to time restrictions and for me, not being hugely interested in the place. So,
Border crossings
A while back, i wrote this post about the crossing from Thailand to Cambodia at the much maligned border of Poipet. Well after that, the next crossing I was to attempt
So… People, are you all ignorant bastards or what… I write this after sitting at a restaurant for the evening, and choosing one on the riverside to people watch…. Now,
Pattaya to Siem Reap
So, the decision was made to stay awake all night, my bus left sukhumvit road in Patayya at 5.45am, which meant realistically I had to leave the hostel at 5.15,so
Don’t you just love…
Taxi drivers all over the world, but as i’m in Bangkok currently, WTF is wrong with them…… Now, any job that i have done, I have duties to do, and
Food glorious food…….
Food is a problem, well, its not really….But wanting to try the whole gamut of Thai food is much harder than i thought it would be, there are a number of options,