
First day in Bangkok

First day, well , the time between 3am and 6am is kinda hard to remember, in fact I had to rely on Ash letting me know what happened. What I can remember us doing:

Well, apart from getting up stupid early in the UK, getting to Amsterdam and Meeting a fellow traveller, James, on the way, nothing strange happened on the first half of Wednesday, we got on the skytrain with all the commuters and invited their inquisitive stares, not much different to what I found in Japan.

Ash made his first priceless comment “it’s not that hot here is it!” We hadn’t yet been outside, just inside A/C buildings or trains..

Time to switch to the subway….Yeah, getting off that skytrain was like walking into a wall of humid heat…Ash instantly regretted his comment < wouldn’t be the first one!> 

We finally made it to our hostel and let James wander on down to his, they weren’t actually too far <on the map at least!> in the heat, they were a good 20 minutes walk away…James made it back to our hostel after an hour and a half or so, and we decided to go looking for food and get the lay of the land…What we shouldn’t have done was just start wandering, without any rest from the flight, the heat was a huge factor. Basically, we ended up wandering around Siam square and not know what the hell we were doing. We ended up getting some pretty mediocre street food <cold rice topped with warm-ish pork> We all decided it would be best to get some sleep back at the hostels before hitting the streets later on….We then took our first Tuk Tuk ride, a small race with another tuk tuk ensued, not sure who won….Although after nearly having a head on with a coach as we barrelled down the wrong side of the road, I think we won…;) After that ride, we never saw James again, maybe everything was a bit much for him, or we were just too laid back….Hope he is out having a good time though, really nice guy. 

So Wednesday Night we headed for what’s known as Nana Plaza, 3 floors of go go bars, not that we could find it at first, we wandered around where the Tuk Tuk driver dropped us off and anyone we asked,seemed not to know where the plaza was, some even telling us it’s closed, or that there was nothing there. So we ended up in a beer bar, and Ash got chatting to an Irish guy, well, it just so happened that the plaza was about 20 feet from us….He said he would take us round there, literally  just round the corner, we walked past it at least 3 times! And we went into Angel Witch, after this point, my brain tends to be cloudy on the events of the night<sorry, no juicy details for you!>….What I remember is being back at the hostel about 6-7am, the fact that the plaza closed at 2-2.30am means something certainly happened to fill in them hours, i’m at a complete loss to know what it was though, the good thing is, money, wallet and camera were still on me…!!


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