OK, been away from writing for a little while now, just checked back and it was 7th june(actually was the 18th!) that was my last entry! Doesn’t seem that long, then again, lots of things have happened..
Probably could all do with separate posts really, and i’ll expand on them at some point, but first thing to write about was that my Grandad passed away last week, it’s very tough to write about it, I loved the man so much, and never got to see him with the news of me going travelling. Also, he never got to see me on my bike, I had always planned to go to Ireland with the bike, as i know he would have loved to have seen it. He passed very peacefully in his sleep, and is now with my Nan who passed away three years ago (3 years and 11 days from the day he passed!), so am comforted by that.
Other news, is that I am selling all my possessions, now it’s not that i crave material goods or anything, but i do tend to be a slight collector (ok, some might say hoarder! Receipts from 20+ years ago!!). This seems to be a much bigger task than I envisaged, and luckily my brother has offered his services to help sell my stuff. This is all to help fund me go travelling around SE Asia and any where else that takes my fancy…Mine, well, ours as I am going with 2 other mates. We are starting in Bangkok, and then going to Koh Toa for a month to do a diving course (well, i’m not, one of the other is! I can barely swim!!). I’m so looking forward to this, have given my notice in at work, bought tickets, and am trying to get around to selling stuff.
This was only a short post to try to get back up to date, have loads more things
Really sorry to hear about your grandad bro, but sounds like he had a good innings (whatever that is) and he’s with his love now, so that’s about as good as it gets really.
My own (equally unloved) wordpress now has a link to here so I can find/follow you easily if away from desk 🙂
Yeah, cheers mate, he was happy at the end, so it’s good…